

From time to time, there were acts or poses the storyboard artists found difficult and then I made the designs. Some examples are gathered in this gallery. The last image, with teenage Kay giving a bunch of flowers to an alien leader, was a photo of the character´s very first contact with the alien world. Now I come to think of it; a gallery with all the pictures I drew and that appeared in the series could be made.

  • 585big_dack_6
  • 586big_frb_ftgr
  • 587big_frb_plc1
  • 588big_frb_plc2
  • 589big_k_j_03_02
  • 590big_z_l_01
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  • 592big_kidsboo
  • 593big_k_j_03
  • 594big_foto_1a