

Anyone who knows my work or follows my networks knows of my fascination for nature in general and for animals in particular. Drawing and painting animals has been a constant since I was a child.

When I was asked to illustrate some small texts by Antonio Fraguas, collecting traditional beliefs about some animals in Galicia, for the book, "Os Animais de Fraguas" published by the Museo do Pobo Galego, I didn't think twice.

And in doing so, I decided to expand this collection of images with my own criteria until it became a sort of field notebook of the most common species in our environment. It is progressing...

  • ANIMALARIO_01_araña-e-mosca
  • ANIMALARIO_02_carriza
  • ANIMALARIO_03_vibora
  • ANIMALARIO_04_corvo
  • ANIMALARIO_05_donicela
  • ANIMALARIO_06_pintega
  • ANIMALARIO_07_rapina
  • ANIMALARIO_08_raposo
  • ANIMALARIO_09_sapo