Papeles dispersos

"Papeles dispersos"

I don´t usually sketch for my works -just some fitting lines- or make many preparatory studies. But what I certainly do in a compulsive way is drawing a great number of useless sketchings, with no aim at all. On paper tableclothes in restaurants, on used envelopes, on little notebooks, on letter papers from hotels, on the back of the reports, on concert programs, on the road tax bill of the car... Many are lost or, simply, given up.

I have made an arbitrary selection for this book. They are -more or less- grouped by vaguely thematic criteria. I have included, when I remember them; comments on the reason or moment they were made. All they have in common is the fact of being firsthand drawings. Whether they are pencil or ink drawings, they have not undergone any retouching nor there has been a previous sketch.


  • 100big_angel_del_infierno_01_bn
  • 101big_gato_09
  • 102big_home_lendo_no_tren_a_washington
  • 103big_home_pensativo
  • 104big_humano_e_animal_02
  • 105big_muller_e_caracol
  • 106big_rua_de_montreal_01